Letter To an Arab Muslim By: Shaykh Abdalqadir As-Sufi

Shaykh Abdalqadir As-Sufi
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Following Shaykh Abdalqadir As-Sufi's deep analysis of the unified structure of the kafir atheist world system and his indication of the path to victory that will assure the return of Khalifal authority to the Muslims as well as survival for the planet, comes this disturbing and irrefutable examination of the Arab people's dismal decline into helpless nation states and slavish following of the usurist model.

Addressing the Arabs directly, the Shaykh obliges them to examine the turbulent road that has taken them past three disastrous way-stations Firstly, their feeble acquiescence in the Kafir's exiling of the Islamic Khalif and their military participation in his downfall. Secondly, the further submission to the post-War, 1945, surge to socialism and communism. Thirdly, the tragic embrace of capitalism by all the Arab world. Finally he points to the way out of the tragic situation in which the Arab people find themselves outlining the vital elements of the true Deen 'Amr, Zakat taken not given, Awqaf, Imarets and the return of the Islamic Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham. An end to capitalism and a rebirth of Islam

  • author: Shaykh Abdalqadir As-Sufi
  • publisher:
  • isbn: 9788493051594
  • edition:
  • binding: Paperback