Mothers Know

Feeyola Dawood
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Daughters are precious beings we wish we could keep with us for a lifetime. We never run out of things we want to tell them, share with them, and teach them. It is because we always want the best for them.
Mothers’ Know - Letters to My Global Daughters is a tribute to every young woman in the world. Written in the form of letters, it ventures into discussions about topics mothers sometimes struggle to talk to their daughters about. As far along as we have developed, somethings are still a cultural taboo, or we are too ashamed to talk to our daughter about them. Mothers’ Know - Letters to My Global Daughters ventures into those spaces with the intention to educate, highlight and nurture young women.
Readers can look forward to:
- True stories that have been adapted for use in each letter.
- Real personal letters that were written for the authors daughter.
- A variety of relevant issues that are relevant to young women.
- Lessons that are applicable, relatable, and practical.
“Mothers’ Know - Letters to My Global Daughters is a delightful but powerful book which all mothers should gift to their young daughters. No young woman should miss reading the letters written by this author to her daughter.”
- Tahera Seedat, Principal, Sizwe Hosiptal School

  • author: Feeyola Dawood
  • publisher: Penguin Random House
  • isbn: 9781636066141
  • edition:
  • binding: PB