Pointers To Presence

Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
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Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri emphasizes inner transformation and the refinement of conduct, as preludes to the realization of the prevalence of Divine Grace. He considers that the purpose of life is to know and resonate with the eternal essence of the one and only Life giver - Allah.

"Pointers to Presence" are for the heart. This collection of aphorisms provides insights into consciousness and are pointers to spiritual awakening.


Acknowledged as a master of self-knowledge and a spiritual philosopher, Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri’s role as a teacher grew naturally out of his own quest for self-fulfillment.

He travelled extensively on a spiritual quest which led to his eventual rediscovery of the pure and original Islamic heritage of his birth, and the discovery of the truth that reconciles the past with the present, the East with the West, the worldly with the spiritual – a link between the ancient wisdom teachings and our present time.

  • author: Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
  • publisher: Zahra Publications
  • isbn: 9781919826707
  • edition: 2013
  • binding: HB